Monday 11 June 2007

To seek reaction.... update

Just a note to welcome Iain Dale's comment. As he rightly points out, there are times when the very act of revealing one's evidence for a story might lead to the identification of a source which, whether journalist, opinionated commentator or other, is unforgiveable. In such circumstances it is therefore left to the reader to decide how much they trust the author and what weight to give to those who offer alternative accounts.That is an easier judgement to reach in blogs which offer readers a more personal interaction with their authors. But applying that lesson to the debate over the Melissa Kite story, how is the casual reader expected to tell the difference between a well-sourced story and ill-informed speculation when a piece is written by a journalist who is really just a name on a page? Anyway, Dale's post has undoubtedly kept the lobby on its toes which is no bad thing at all.

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