Thursday, 12 April 2007

Teaching conferences: Easter's answer to the silly season

I am indebted to Chris Keates for ensuring the 2007 teaching conference season didn't pass without producing at least one absurd story. Apparently she believes the (rightly) successful BBC drama Life On Mars might be responsible for an outbreak of homophobic bullying.
Having seen one or two teaching conferences in action I can assure you that every year well meaning delegates from across the country gather at these events hoping to discuss matters important to their members, things like pay and workload. Sadly, someone invariably comes out with a random statement and the media, in the midst of an Easter lull (and education correspondents desparate to justify their expenses), laps it up. Its usually from some left-wing activist from London but in this case the normally sensible Ms Keates has fallen into the trap.
How many teachers actually go to bed thinking "I hope my kids didn't see Life on Mars, if they did they'll be hell in the playground tomorrow"? And how many NASUWT members will groan when they read this tripe?

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